The following cases categorized as "foreign support order" were on the docket in the State of California Superior Court - Kern County on Dec. 30. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Dec. 30. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Michael Johnson against Los Angeles County Employees Retirement and Nydett Johnson on Jan. 4.
A Los Angeles County judge ordered newly elected District Attorney George Gascón to show why criminal justice reforms he enacted should not be dismantled. LA County Superior Court Judge David J.
An appellate panel has turned the tables on a state judge who sided with restaurant owners when they asked for a stay on a COVID-19 order issued by the Los Angeles County health officials, which banned outdoor dining
The State of California Superior Court - Kern County reported the following activities in the suit brought by Los Angeles County against Gloria Angelica Sandoval Rosas on Dec. 30.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Dec. 30.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Dec. 22. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Dec. 18. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Jorge D. Martinez Sr against Eva Martinez and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS on Dec. 22.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Dec. 16. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Jorge D. Martinez Sr against Eva Martinez and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS on Dec. 14: 'Volume 5-6 Kept In Dept S55 For Hrg 12/22/'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Rebecca Horton against County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, Los Angeles County Deferred Compensation an, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS and Trevor Horton on Dec. 18.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Dec. 7.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Dec. 16: 'Hearing Re: Mandatory Settlement Conference'.