
Reform News on Southern California Record


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Reform News

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California insurance laws spike Uber costs, with 32% of fares covering mandates

By C. M. Schmidlkofer |
Uber has announced that rising costs associated with California's insurance laws now account for 32% of an Uber fare, placing a financial strain on both consumers and rideshare services.


Litigation among factors driving surge in California's auto insurance rates

By K. T. Sarmiento |
California’s auto insurance premiums spiked by 48% in 2024, with the average cost for full coverage hitting $2,575 by year’s end. A report estimated California's rates could hit $2,732 by the end of 2025.


Pete’s Plumbing CFO Hillis: ‘Lawsuits are out of control’

By K. R. Nelson |
As auto insurance rates continue to rise across the country, critics are increasingly pointing to what they describe as rampant abuse of the legal system by trial lawyers.


Science court advocate: A less adversarial system could improve outcomes in civil litigation

By Michael Carroll |
A decades-old idea of convening “science courts” to make informed judgments on controversies such as federal funding for nuclear power or the safety of a pharmaceutical drug is now being promoted as a way to bolster public confidence in the scientific method.


Biz groups, Dems announce deal to reform law that spawned thousands of 'shakedown' suits vs employers

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Under the deal to reform the Private Attorney General Act, a coalition of business groups would agree to withdraw a ballot measure that would have largely gutted PAGA. Reports showed PAGA generated lawsuits worth $10B in payouts from employers in the past 10 years, with big money for lawyers, little real benefit for workers


Lawsuit: California telehealth doctor licensing rules unconstitutionally block patients from 'lifesaving' care

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The Pacific Legal Foundation, a successful nonprofit constitutional law organization, has filed suit against the California Medical Board on behalf of a patient with a rare hemophilia condition and a prominent New York cancer specialist, asserting California's restrictions on out-of-state telehealth are unconstitutional


'De facto invisible': High costs, state rules, lack of online access can block public from monitoring 'public' court proceedings

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A settlement has resolved a class action vs federal courts over fees charged to access online court documents. But high costs for certain records and varying court rules about public access to court records in Illinois and elsewhere create a legal patchwork that mostly limits public view into the courts


Cal Supreme Court OKs new ethics rules to fight conflicts of interest

By Sarah Downey |
Newly issued rules from the California Supreme Court are designed to combat corruption and to prevent conflicts of interest like those resulting from the Thomas Girardi scandal.


Rampant PAGA, Prop 65 lawsuits land California courts high on list of worst U.S. 'Judicial Hellholes'

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The report issued by the American Tort Reform Association says California ranks third on the annual list, thanks to its continued status as lawyers' 'laboratory' for innovative ways to increase businesses' lawsuit risk


Class action accuses Core Power Yoga of shorting workers' pay

By Southern California Record |
A class action lawsuit has accuses fitness studio Core Power Yoga of allegedly shorting its workers' pay, among other alleged violations of California labor law.


Los Angeles County zero bail policy for most crimes goes into effect

By Kenneth Schrupp - The Center Square |
Critics say the policy will result in a revolving door of criminals getting arrested, booked, and then immediately released back into public, again and again, leaving the L.A. less safe


Sidewalk vendors battle with California cities over regulations and rights in court, city halls, state capitol

By T.H. Lawrence |
State law says sidewalk vending is permitted, but LA, San Diego imposing regulations


Appeals court says San Bernardino Co. board can be held to single terms, pay caps

By Dan Churney |
An appellate panel has ruled it is constitutional for voters to limit San Bernardino County supervisors to one-term limits and to a compensation cap, over the supervisors' objections.


New scorecard rates lawmakers’ work to address equity in California’s civil justice system

By Sarah Downey |
The Civil Justice Association of California (CJAC) has released a new scorecard on legislators’ recent efforts to foster parity and balance in the state’s civil court procedures, by gauging how each one voted on bills involving liability and litigation.


California ranks again among the top judicial hellholes

By Juliette Fairley |
This year, the Golden State landed in 3rd place after Georgia and The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania


Ninth Circuit upholds federal judge's ban on Prop 65 litigation requiring cancer warning labels

By Juliette Fairley |
Defense attorneys have a new tool under their belt to fend off acrylamide litigation now that the Ninth Circuit dismissed a challenge to a preliminary injunction that bans new Proposition 65 warning requirement lawsuits


ATRA: More than $34 million was spent on lawyer ads in top media markets statewide

By Juliette Fairley |
Study: Californians are exposed to more legal services commercials on television than to restaurants and furniture store promotions


Employer groups succeed in gathering 960,000 signatures to reform PAGA

By Juliette Fairley |
Employer groups that launched the California Fair Pay and Employer Accountability Act of 2022 have been successful in gathering the requisite number of signatures to launch a ballot initiative