The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on March 5. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Rebecca Horton against County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, Los Angeles County Deferred Compensation an, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS and Trevor Horton on March 5: 'Status Conference'.
A Los Angeles man sued Los Angeles County after he says was wrongly detained by the LA County Sheriff's Department (LACSD) and fell gravely ill while incarcerated, according to documents filed Feb. 19 in the California Central District Court.
LOS ANGELES - A wrongful death lawsuit has been brought against Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and Sheriff Alex Villanueva by the parents of a mentally disabled man who they say was tasered to death by the LASD.
Daniel M. Mayeda, an attorney in the Los Angeles office of Ballad Spahr, has been appointed to the Los Angeles County Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC) and elected as its co-chair.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Feb. 18. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Feb. 16. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Feb. 18: 'Request For Order Filed By Randy Ocegueda Alvarado Re: Mod Cc/cv/cs/Ss'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Jessie L. Srouji against City of Los Angeles Defe Rred Compensation P Lan, Jamal S. Srouji and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Syst on Jan. 20.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Jessie L. Srouji against City of Los Angeles Defe Rred Compensation P Lan, Jamal S. Srouji and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Syst on Jan. 26: 'Filing Fee Paid By Jamal S Srouji For Fax Filing'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Jessie L. Srouji against City of Los Angeles Defe Rred Compensation P Lan, Jamal S. Srouji and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Syst on Jan. 22.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Jessie L. Srouji against City of Los Angeles Defe Rred Compensation P Lan, Jamal S. Srouji and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Syst on Feb. 16.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Feb. 8. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced the sentencing of Donnelly Montenegro, former acting Chief Operating Officer of the AIDS Research Alliance (ARA).
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Joanna Alvarez, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS, Los Angeles Employees ' R Etirement Plan B SA and The County of San Bernardino against Robert Alvarez on Jan. 28.