The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 5. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 4. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Colleen McLain, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement against Bruce Y. McLain, Colleen McLain and Retire-Los Angeles County Fire Department on Sept. 6: 'Request For Order Filed By Bruce Y McLain Re: Ss (022719)'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Chris Attruia, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement ASSC and Los Angeles County SHERIFF'S Department against Mia Attruia on Sept. 6.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Chris Attruia, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement ASSC and Los Angeles County SHERIFF'S Department against Mia Attruia on Sept. 5: 'Notice Of Hearing Filed By Chris Attruia.'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by County of Lo S Angeles De Ferred Compensation, Henry Lucero Molinar Jr, Los Angeles County Emplo Yees Retirement and Orange Count Y Employees Retirement System against Yvonne Denise Molinar on Sept. 4: 'Proof Of Service Of Resp Rfo By Mail On 08/30/19 As To Lisa R. McCall, Filed.'.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Aug. 28. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by County of Lo S Angeles De Ferred Compensation, Henry Lucero Molinar Jr, Los Angeles County Emplo Yees Retirement and Orange Count Y Employees Retirement System against Yvonne Denise Molinar on Aug. 28: 'Request For Order Filed By Yvonne Denise Molinar Re: Pet To Be Ordered To Take Part In Vocational Train (082819).'.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Aug. 21. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Alicia E. Acevedo and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement ASSC against L. A. Cnty Employee Retirement Association and Rodolfo J. Acevedo on Aug. 21: 'Request For Order Filed By Rodolfo J Acevedo Re: Other (061819)'.