The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 24. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 23. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Javier Chavez and The County of San Bernardino against County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, Francine Chavez, Javier Chavez and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Asso on Sept. 25: 'Earnings Assignment Order Re: Spousal Support Filed.'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Juan Carlos Cruz against Enad Fakhouri on Sept. 16: 'Levying Officer Notice On Writ Of Execution From Los Angeles County Filed Unsatisfied With Costs Of $160.00.'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Javier Chavez and The County of San Bernardino against County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, Francine Chavez, Javier Chavez and Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Asso on Sept. 26: 'Fee Payment'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by County of Lo S Angeles De Ferred Compensation, Henry Lucero Molinar Jr, Los Angeles County Emplo Yees Retirement and Orange Count Y Employees Retirement System against Yvonne Denise Molinar on Sept. 23: 'Stipulation And Order Re: Hearings On Requests For Order Filed.'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by County of Lo S Angeles De Ferred Compensation, Henry Lucero Molinar Jr, Los Angeles County Emplo Yees Retirement and Orange Count Y Employees Retirement System against Yvonne Denise Molinar on Sept. 24: 'Request For Order Filed By Henry Lucero Molinar Jr Re: Mod Ss/Atty Fees (040419)'.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 16. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
Mayer Brown announced that it has expanded its Litigation & Dispute Resolution practice with the addition of two highly regarded trial lawyers: veteran US Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutor Jason Linder, who joins the firm as a partner in Los Angeles and Washington DC, and leading securities litigator Glenn Vanzura, who joins the firm as a partner in Los Angeles.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 12. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by County of Lo S Angeles De Ferred Compensation, Henry Lucero Molinar Jr, Los Angeles County Emplo Yees Retirement and Orange Count Y Employees Retirement System against Yvonne Denise Molinar on Sept. 16.
Kevin M. Lally, who prosecuted numerous high-profile cases over nearly two decades as an assistant U.S. attorney, has joined McGuireWoods’ nationally recognized Government Investigations & White Collar Litigation Department as a partner in downtown Los Angeles.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 6. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" cases were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Sept. 6. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by County of Lo S Angeles De Ferred Compensation, Henry Lucero Molinar Jr, Los Angeles County Emplo Yees Retirement and Orange Count Y Employees Retirement System against Yvonne Denise Molinar on Sept. 12.