The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Oct. 26. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
Reed Smith announced Los Angeles partner Janet H. Kwuon, a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, was honored last night by Corporate Counsel and InsideCounsel as a 2020 “Women, Influence & Power in Law” (WIPL) award winner in the category of “Innovative Leader.”
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Oct. 30.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Oct. 29.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Randy Ocegueda Alvarado against Andrea Alvarado, California Public Employees Retirement Syst, County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, County of Los Angeles Pension Savings Plan, County of Los Angeles Savings Plan (401 (K, County of Los Angeles Termination Pay Pick and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement on Oct. 2: 'Status Conference'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Jorge D. Martinez Sr against Eva Martinez and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS on Oct. 29.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Jorge D. Martinez Sr against Eva Martinez and Los Angeles County Employees Retirement ASS on Oct. 2: 'Volume 5 And 6 Kept In Dept S55 For Hrg'.
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Aaron Dominguez against County of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation, Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Asso and Vanessa Dominguez on Oct. 26: 'Status Conference'.
The following cases categorized as "contract - other" were on the docket in the Orange County Superior Court on Oct. 15. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "contract - other" were on the docket in the Orange County Superior Court on Oct. 13. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The San Bernardino County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Kendell Harry against Kendell A. Harry, Kendell Andrew Harry and Maylette Brown on Oct. 7: 'Appeal Docs From Los Angeles County ** Placed In File'.
The Orange County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by SPL Express, Inc. and Synrgo, Inc. against Dean C. Logan, Hugh Nguyen, Los Angeles County Registrar Recorde and Orange County Clerk Recorder on Oct. 15.
The Orange County Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by SPL Express, Inc. and Synrgo, Inc. against Dean C. Logan, Hugh Nguyen, Los Angeles County Registrar Recorde and Orange County Clerk Recorder on Oct. 13.
The following cases categorized as "dissolution no children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Oct. 1. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "dissolution with children" were on the docket in the San Bernardino County Superior Court on Oct. 1. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact: