
Stories by Noell Wolfgram Evans on Southern California Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Noell Wolfgram Evans News

Ninth Circuit's dismissal of Diet Dr. Pepper suit 'won't limit number of labeling lawsuits in California,' reform leader says

By Noell Wolfgram Evans |
SAN FRANCISCO – As 2019 came to a close, a trend in California courts was that a number of lawsuits were filed over ingredients or labels used for food. One of the cases that may have lasting implications was a decision in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in Becerra v. Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc.

California Consumer Privacy Act takes effect Jan. 1, CCPA says it is ' closely' watching implementation

By Noell Wolfgram Evans |
SACRAMENTO – After months of debate, discussion and speculation, Golden State residents are about to see how the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will truly affect the business landscape in the state.

California moves to second place in Judicial Hellhole list

By Noell Wolfgram Evans |
WASHINGTON – California is officially a Judicial Hellhole again according to a recent report by The American Tort Reform (ATR) Association.

Appellate court finds Los Angeles restaurant's website violated ADA in suit filed by blind woman

By Noell Wolfgram Evans |
LOS ANGELES –The Los Angeles-based restaurant The Whisper Lounge was found to be in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act not for what was on-location, but what was off. More directly, the California Second District Court of Appeal, Division Eight recently ruled that the restaurant’s website violates ADA-based compliance regulations and that Title II of the ADA applies to a website.