CA plastics lawsuit abuses courts, defendants using unconstitutional legal molds
Law professor says California Attorney General Rob Bonta's decision to join with environmental activists to sue ExxonMobil over its Advanced Plastics Recycling programs is "Orwellian," defying both the rule of law and the Constitution.
Prop 1 promises more of the same for California’s homeless
Despite promising solutions, California officials are poised to use Prop 1 to simply throw $6 billion more at a homelessness problem already massive state spending has yet to solve
Scaremongering lawyers should be disciplined
Lawyers running anti-drug commercials should be held accountable for their claims. If they can’t substantiate those claims, they should be forced to compensate the companies whose sales they’ve depressed and the drug users whose health they’ve impaired.
Opioid regulator Joe Rannazzisi, hero or villain?
What if Big Pharma is not to blame for the opioid crisis? What if it wasn’t the big bad drug companies that created and exacerbated the problem, but the politicians and government officials pretending to be the good guys?
Is parental incompetence partly to blame for teen vaping injuries?
There’s a classic scene in an episode of the 1970s BBC comedy Fawlty Towers in which a diner complains about the bad service provided by the waiter at this quaint seaside inn in southern England.
Reaction to J&J verdict: 'Distorts public nuisance law beyond recognition'
Today’s verdict by Judge Thad Balkman that Johnson & Johnson must pay the operating costs of Oklahoma state government as penance for the opioid crisis puts manufacturers of all lawful, but politically unpopular, products at risk.