Hon. Judith K. Dulcich Judge at Superior Court of Kern County | https://www.courts.ca.gov/images/Dulcich.jpg
The State of California Superior Court - Kern County reported the following activity in the suit brought by
Midland Credit Management, Inc. against
Jessica Doster on Oct. 24: 'Answer- Defendants Name Does Not Conform To Complaint. Party Names Are To Be Listed As They Appear In The Case. If Parties Are Erroneously Sued This Should Be Stated. *party Caption Does Not Conform Exact To Complaint. Please Review/Correct And Resubmit. *#1-number Of Pages Is Blank *if Including An Attachment That Must Be Specified'.
Case number BCL-24-016170 was filed in the State of California Superior Court - Kern County on Aug. 22.