

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Former Employee Alleges Systematic Wage Violations by Elite Metal Finishing

State Court
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A new class action lawsuit alleges that a California-based company has systematically violated state labor laws, impacting numerous employees. The complaint was filed by Patricia Cisneros Lopez on September 13, 2024, in the Ventura Superior Court against Elite Metal Finishing, L.L.C.

The lawsuit accuses Elite Metal Finishing of multiple violations of the California Labor Code and Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders. Lopez claims that the company failed to pay minimum and overtime wages, did not provide lawful meal periods or rest breaks, neglected to reimburse business expenses, and issued inaccurate wage statements. Additionally, it is alleged that Elite Metal Finishing did not pay all due wages upon termination of employment. "Defendants have increased their profits by violating state wage and hour laws," the complaint states.

Lopez's lawsuit details several specific grievances. She asserts that employees were not compensated for all hours worked at the correct rate and within the appropriate time frame. Furthermore, she alleges that workers were denied timely meal periods and rest breaks or compensation in lieu thereof. The complaint also highlights a failure to reimburse necessary business-related costs and to provide accurate itemized wage statements as required by law.

The plaintiff seeks monetary relief on behalf of herself and other similarly situated employees in California. This includes unpaid wages, unreimbursed business expenses, benefits, interest, attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses, and penalties pursuant to various sections of the California Labor Code and Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5. Lopez is also asking for injunctive relief to prevent further violations.

Representing Lopez are attorneys from Aegis Law Firm: Samuel A. Wong, Kashif Haque, and Jessica L. Campbell. The case has been assigned Case No. 2024CU0E030488 in the Ventura Superior Court.


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