A serious injury on an uneven walkway has led to a legal battle in Ventura County. On September 5, 2024, Tammy Leech filed a complaint in the Superior Court of California, County of Ventura, against Kieron Robert and Grace Adhikari.
The incident occurred on December 11, 2023, when Leech was lawfully present at 129 Grapevine Road in Oak View, California. According to the complaint, she tripped and fell due to an uneven walkway on the property owned by Robert and Adhikari. Leech alleges that the defendants failed to maintain the premises in a safe condition, leading to her severe injuries. "Defendants owed a duty of reasonable care and caution to avoid causing harm," states the complaint. The lawsuit accuses Robert and Adhikari of negligence and premises liability for not discovering or rectifying the unsafe conditions that caused her fall.
Leech's attorneys argue that the defendants were negligent in their maintenance duties. They claim that Robert and Adhikari did not adequately inspect or repair the walkway or provide sufficient warnings about its dangers. As a result, Leech suffered significant injuries including damage to her head and nervous system. "Plaintiff will continue to suffer from her injuries," reads the complaint, highlighting ongoing physical and mental pain.
The plaintiff is seeking various forms of relief from the court. She demands non-economic damages for pain and suffering as well as economic damages covering past and future medical expenses, wage loss, and loss of earning capacity. Additionally, she seeks compensation for legal costs incurred during this suit.
Representing Tammy Leech are attorneys Stephen McElroy, Ashley Parris, Joshua Dowell, and Ryan Davidson from McElroy Parris Trial Lawyers. The case is being overseen by Judge Brenda L. McCormick under Case ID: 2024CUPP029908.