

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Tenant Sues RE/MAX Gold Coast Property Management Over Severe Flooding Damage

State Court
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Daryl Buckwald has filed a complaint against RE/MAX Gold Coast Property Management and other associated entities in the Ventura Superior Court on May 30, 2024. The complaint, submitted by attorney Steven Rein, alleges breach of lease and property damage, as well as denial of insurance benefits.

The case revolves around a rental property located at 157 Los Angeles Ave., Oxnard, CA. According to the complaint, Buckwald and his wife entered into a rental agreement with RE/MAX Gold Coast Property Management and its agents on February 15, 2017. The agreement included provisions for renters' insurance through Allstate Insurance Co. On December 21, 2023, the Buckwalds experienced severe flooding in their rental unit due to heavy rain, which caused significant water damage and rendered the unit uninhabitable. Despite notifying RE/MAX and its agents immediately, no effective remediation was undertaken. As a result, mold developed within the unit, forcing the Buckwalds to evacuate and seek alternative housing at a higher cost.

Buckwald's complaint details how RE/MAX Gold Coast Property Management and its agents failed to address ongoing issues with clogged drains and gutters despite repeated requests for maintenance. The defendants allegedly blamed the Buckwalds for the flooding, leading Allstate Insurance Co. to deny their claim based on these false assertions.

In January 2024, while residing in temporary accommodation, the Buckwalds received two notices of termination of tenancy from the defendants. Additionally, many of their personal belongings remained inaccessible in the damaged property.

The plaintiff seeks monetary damages for various losses including destruction of personal property, increased rent costs for alternate housing estimated at $750 per month until remediation is completed, costs associated with moving belongings and cleaning salvageable items, as well as compensation for missed work due to displacement. The second cause of action against Allstate Insurance Co. seeks similar damages related to the denial of insurance benefits.

Attorney Steven Rein represents Daryl Buckwald in this case (Case ID: 2024CUPP025382), seeking judgment against all named defendants including Kristina Brewer; BUILD D3; D3 Construction Development; Jeffrey Dedomenco; Sophia Dedomenco; James Dedomenco; Matthew Dedomenco; Rosi Dedomenco; Michael Dedomenco; Allstate Insurance Co.; and DOES 1-100.


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