

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Roy Stanley Johnson sues Ryan Oneal Coller for negligence and causing a traffic accident

State Court
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The lawsuit, filed in the Ventura Superior Court (Case No.: 2023CUPPO08890) on May 12, 2023, involves plaintiffs Roy Stanley Johnson and Michael Doyce Pittman against defendants Ryan Oneal Coller and Gulick Trucking, Inc. The case pertains to a traffic accident allegedly caused by defendant Coller's negligence while operating a semi-truck owned by Gulick Trucking.

The plaintiffs' legal representation is provided by Siamak Vaziri, David Shay, Mark J. Nagle, and Kevin A. Kidwell from Vaziri Law Group. The incident occurred on January 27, 2022, when defendant Coller reportedly lost consciousness while driving the semi-truck and subsequently caused an accident involving the plaintiffs' vehicles.

The damages incurred are not explicitly mentioned in the document. However, the lawsuit alleges negligence on part of both defendants – Coller for his operation of the vehicle and Gulick Trucking for their entrustment of the semi-truck to Coller.

The plaintiffs are seeking compensation for damages caused due to negligence, negligent entrustment, and negligent hiring, supervision and retention. They have demanded a jury trial for this case.


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