

Friday, September 27, 2024

News from June 2024

Widow Sues Agricultural Company Over Husband’s Fatal COVID-19 Infection

By Southern California Record |
Maria Chavez has filed a lawsuit against Alco Harvesting LLC alleging that their negligence led to her husband's death from COVID-19 complications while he was employed by them as a foreman and bus driver.

Homebuyer Sues Seller Over Breach Of Contract Amidst Confusion About Assessment Liens

By Southern California Record |
A recent appellate court ruling has affirmed a lower court's decision favoring Angel Cordova over Shamika Townsend in a dispute involving PACE assessment liens on residential property sold in Los Angeles. The case highlights complexities surrounding contractual obligations and fraud allegations linked to energy efficiency improvement programs.

Driver Sued for Negligence After Alleged Unsafe Turn Causes Severe Injuries

By Southern California Record |
Two individuals have filed a lawsuit against a driver they claim caused severe injuries by making an unsafe left turn in Thousand Oaks on July 4, 2022. The case seeks damages for negligence and violations of California Vehicle Code sections related to safe driving practices.

CA high court: Patients can accuse med makers of 'failure to warn,' even if doctors recommended treatment

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The California Supreme Court imposed limits of the so-called "learned intermediary doctrine," which largely shields the makers of medication and medical devices from personal injury lawsuits accusing them of failure to warn of risks from their products, so long as doctors have been warned and still OK treatment

Courts taking a more critical look at local traffic impact studies viewed as flawed science

By Michael Carroll |
Traffic impact studies that underpin land-use policies in California are akin to junk science, overstate resulting vehicle traffic patterns and consistently drive up the price of housing in a state where homelessness is a potent political issue.

New California law heightens scrutiny of junk science, flawed testimony in criminal convictions

By Michael Carroll |
A California law that took effect last year is encouraging prosecutors, attorneys and judges to better scrutinize potentially flawed or outdated science and disputed expert testimony to avoid wrongful incarcerations, according to the law’s supporters.

Pastor alleges mismanagement by church executive board

By Southern California Record |
A pastor's attempt to challenge the legitimacy of his church's executive board has been dismissed by a Los Angeles County judge due to lack of standing and failure to allege individualized harm.

Former employee sues non-profit organization over wage dispute

By Southern California Record |
A former employee has taken legal action against The Way Forward Foundation over alleged wage violations and related torts during his brief employment period as a care provider.The plaintiff seeks compensation for unpaid wages along with significant attorney fees accrued during this legal battle.

Plaintiff alleges major financial institution engaged in deceptive home loan practices

By Southern California Record |
A California woman’s lawsuit against a major financial institution alleging deceptive home loan practices has been dismissed after a prolonged legal battle spanning several years and multiple appeals.

Therapist sues truck driver over severe injuries from rear-end collision

By Southern California Record |
A therapist has filed a lawsuit seeking compensation after being rear-ended by a truck driver in Los Angeles County Superior Court on June 10, 2024. The court has ordered a new trial to reassess both causation and damages related to her debilitating injuries from the accident.

Former employees sue funeral services company over unconscionable arbitration agreement

By Southern California Record |
Two former employees have sued California Cemetery and Funeral Services LLC over alleged labor violations under PAGA, challenging an arbitration agreement they claim is both procedurally and substantively unconscionable due to its one-sided terms favoring the employer.

Bonta files lawsuit seeking big payout from oil companies over 'climate change;' Lawsuit driven by left-wing politics, oil companies say

By Michael Carroll |
California has filed an amended lawsuit against major oil companies, calling on a state court to strip the companies of profits gleaned through decades of supposedly “false and misleading” marketing claims that have allegedly misled the public about climate-change risks from the common fuels that drive the U.S. economy

'Threat to direct democracy:' CA Supreme Court ruling preserves Dem power over CA taxes, fees

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The California Supreme Court has kicked off the fall 2024 ballot the so-called Taxpayer Protection Act, a citizen initiative that would have required state and local governments to get voter OK before hiking taxes and fees. The court agreed with Gov. Gavin Newsom that the initiative exceeded citizen initiative power

Biz groups, Dems announce deal to reform law that spawned thousands of 'shakedown' suits vs employers

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Under the deal to reform the Private Attorney General Act, a coalition of business groups would agree to withdraw a ballot measure that would have largely gutted PAGA. Reports showed PAGA generated lawsuits worth $10B in payouts from employers in the past 10 years, with big money for lawyers, little real benefit for workers

California inflation rates above national average

By J. N. Schierl |
Inflation in the Los Angeles area increased 0.1% in May 2024, with an overall increase of 3.9% over the past 12 months. The all items less food and energy index rose 0.2% in May, and 3.8% in the past twelve months.

Orange County Fair didn't need to competitively bid carnival contract, appeals court says

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A Santa Ana appellate panel rejected a bid by a Texas-based carnival operator for an injunction blocking the Orange County Fair from continuing with its contract with Ray Cammack Amusements to run the Fair's carnival and midway, even though the Fair tailored the process to ensure only Cammack could win the bid

CA Supreme Court hands win to primary insurers in fight vs excess insurance providers over asbestos claims

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The California Supreme Court said lower courts were wrong to block a primary insurer saddled with massive claims resulting from asbestos-related lawsuits vs Kaiser Gypsum from seeking additional coverage from Kaiser's excess liability insurance providers

Former Penn St. football player sues school over sales of frat house

By Legal Newsline |
HARRISBURG - A former Penn State football player is suing over the sale of a frat house he helped to fund.

OPINION: Injured by a vegan? It’s a parody, but billboard lawyer tactics are no joke

By Southern California Record Editorial Board |
If you’re in Los Angeles, you might have noticed a billboard asking if you’ve been injured by a vegan and encouraging you to call 866-HATEVEGANS. The eye-catching billboards are part of a satire campaign launched earlier this month by the plant-based advocacy group Eat Differently.

Plaintiffs Allege Medical Malpractice Against Physician Leading To Cancer Diagnosis

By Southern California Record |
Michelle Cross and Nicholas Quintana have filed a lawsuit against Dr. Karin Fu alleging severe medical malpractice resulting in delayed cancer diagnosis and extensive suffering. They seek substantial damages for both physical pain endured by Michelle and loss of consortium claimed by Nicholas.