In The People of the State of California against James Edward Randell Jr. and Public Defender: 'Terminated'
Case number MVI22000001 was filed in the San Bernardino County Superior Court.
Hon. R. Glenn Yabuno, Judge at San Bernardino County Superior Court
In The People of the State of California against Johnathan Eteaki and Public Defender: 'Emailed To Wv And Original In Transportation Bin'
Case number FSB23000002 was filed in the San Bernardino County Superior Court.
In The People of the State of California against Alonzo Leron Smith and Public Defender:
'Rebecca Allen: 09/01/23'
'Rebecca Allen-sent 10/17/23'
Case number FSB18000008 was filed in the San Bernardino County Superior Court.
In Donna M Sanguinette-Sparks and Steven B. Sparks against Avery Price: 'Notice Of Remote Appearance Is Being Returned. There Is No Signature On Page 2 Where Highlighted.'
Case number SMCRS1300008 was filed in the San Bernardino County Superior Court.
In Department of Child Support Services and The County of San Bernardino against Armando Martinez: 'Order After Hearing Filed 9/12/23 Service By Mail'
Case number CSWS1200011 was filed in the San Bernardino County Superior Court.