

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Former Employee Alleges PBS Foods Violated Multiple Labor Laws

State Court
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A former employee has filed a class action lawsuit against a major food service company, alleging multiple violations of California labor laws. The complaint was filed by Natalie Gutierrez in the Superior Court of California for Ventura County on August 14, 2024, targeting PBS Foods, LLC.

The lawsuit accuses PBS Foods, LLC of several labor code violations during Gutierrez's employment from July 2021 to June 2024 at their Panera Bread location in Camarillo, California. Gutierrez claims she and other similarly situated employees were denied proper overtime pay, minimum wages, meal and rest breaks, accurate wage statements, timely payment upon termination, and reimbursement for business expenses. "Defendants had a company-wide policy and/or practice requiring Plaintiff and class members to perform work-related tasks while off-the-clock," the complaint states. Gutierrez alleges that these practices resulted in significant unpaid wages due to the failure to record all hours worked.

The plaintiff details how PBS Foods' centralized Human Resources and Payroll departments implemented policies that led to systematic underpayment. According to the complaint, "Defendants’ uniform use of labor budgeting resulted in understaffing," which prevented employees from taking legally mandated meal and rest breaks. Furthermore, Gutierrez asserts that she was required to perform additional tasks such as handling catering orders and updating schedules without compensation.

Gutierrez seeks various forms of relief from the court including unpaid wages, statutory penalties, injunctive relief to prevent further violations, and attorneys' fees. She also demands liquidated damages for unpaid minimum wages under California Labor Code section 1194.2 and restitution for unfair business practices under California Business & Professions Code sections 17200 et seq.

Representing Gutierrez are attorneys Bevin Allen Pike, Daniel S. Jonathan, Trisha K. Monesi, and Shealene P. Mancuso from Capstone Law APC. The case is being overseen by Judge Brenda L. McCormick with Case ID: 2024CU OE028620.


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