

Friday, September 27, 2024

Ventura Property Owners Sued for Negligence After Woman's Fall

State Court
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A Ventura woman has filed a lawsuit against two companies, alleging negligence and premises liability after suffering injuries on their property. Tisha White filed the complaint in the Superior Court of California, County of Ventura, on June 13, 2024, naming Urbane Cafe Operations LLC and Ventura Gateway, LLC as defendants.

According to the court documents, White claims that on June 28, 2022, she was lawfully present at the property located at 4960 Telephone Road in Ventura when she tripped over a dangerous condition on a walkway. The incident resulted in significant injuries to her health and body. White asserts that both Urbane Cafe Operations LLC and Ventura Gateway, LLC owned, leased, operated, maintained, or controlled the property where the incident occurred.

White alleges that the defendants had both constructive and actual notice of the hazardous condition but failed to take appropriate remedial measures. "Defendants were aware or should have been aware of the condition prior to the incident," states the complaint. The plaintiff contends that a reasonable inspection would have disclosed the danger and that there was ample opportunity for the defendants to address it before her accident.

The complaint further details how White suffered injuries to her health, strength, activity levels, nervous system, and overall well-being due to this negligence. She claims ongoing mental and physical pain and suffering as a result of her fall. Additionally, White has incurred medical expenses for treatment and anticipates future medical costs related to her injuries. She also reports lost earnings and expects future loss of income due to her inability to work following the incident.

In seeking justice from the court, White is asking for general and special damages according to proof presented during trial. She also seeks compensatory damages for past and future medical expenses as well as lost earnings. Moreover, she requests interest at the maximum legal rate on these sums along with any other relief deemed proper by the court.

Representing Tisha White is attorney Mark K. Flores from Crane Flores LLP. The case will be presided over by Judge Brenda L. McCormick under Case ID: 2024CUPP025908.


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