Case/Case # | Lawyers |
Mark Anthony Martin; Martin Mark Anthony; Williams Zackary; Zackary Williams v. County of Kern, a Public Entity; Golden Empire Affordable Housing II a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, Inc.; Housing Authority of the County of Kern, a Public Entity; Park 20th LP, a California Limited Partnership
BCV-23-100580 | Shawn J. McCann (plaintiff's attorney) and Summit S. Dhillon (defendant's attorney) |
Cooks, Nilka; Craig Wiggs; Fields-Kelly, Crystal; Stephen Kyle; Wiggs Craig v. Jennifer Runyon; Krystal Waller; Pars-15, LLC; Rezzadeh Rudy; Rezzadeh, Rudy; Runyon Jennifer; Waller Krystal; Welcome Home Property Manangement, an Entity
BCV-23-100672 | Amanda Jean Fornwalt; Karl P. Schlecht; Barkinskaya, E Jennie (defendant's attorneys) and Partiyeli, Jacob O. (plaintiff's attorney) |
E. L. v. Beardsley School District; Beardsley School District Board of Trustees; Bishop Bobby; Bobby Bishop
BCV-23-100792 | Anthony N. Demaria (defendant's attorney) and Seth N. O'Dell; Ounjian, Robert J (plaintiff's attorneys) |
Juniper Mead; Mead Juniper; Mead Ronald; Mikaela Miller; Miller Mikaela; Paul Roach; Roach Paul; Ronald Mead v. Barcelona Shawny; Barcelona, Shawny; Jennifer Runyan; Krystal Waller; Pars-15, LLC; Pars-15, a California Limited Liability Company, LLC.; Ramirez Windi; Ramirez, Windi; Rezzadeh Rudy; Runyon Jennifer; Waller Krystal; Welcome Home Property Management; Welcome Home Property Management, an Entity
BCV-23-100824 | Gregory A. Dilts; Koletsky, Roy a (defendant's attorneys) and Partiyeli, Jacob O. (plaintiff's attorney) |
Esparza Jonathan; Jonathan Esparza v. Jennifer Runyon; Krystal Waller; Pars-15, LLC; Pars-15, a California Limited Liability Company, LLC.; Rosamond 10, a California Limited Liability Company, LLC.; Runyon Jennifer; Waller Krystal; Welcome Home Property Management, an Entity
BCV-23-101463 | Amanda Jean Fornwalt; Karl P. Schlecht; Barkinskaya, E Jennie (defendant's attorneys) and Partiyeli, Jacob O. (plaintiff's attorney) |
Aug. 30: State of California Superior Court - Kern County docket for "35-cv other non pi/pd/wd tort - civil unlimited" cases