
Transgender youth expresses regret to lawmakers in testimony against SB 107


Monday, March 31, 2025

Transgender youth expresses regret to lawmakers in testimony against SB 107


Cole | California Assembly

If Gov. Gavin Newsom signs SB 107 into law, Californians can expect the total implosion of families, according to a Bakersfield mother who intervened when her teen developed an interest in gender transition surgery.

“What's happening is that Pharma is driving a wedge very strongly between parents and their children,” said Vera Lindner. “This is a totalitarian tactic that Adolph Hitler used. It's not the first time in history that parents are being abandoned by their kids.”

Supported by Planned Parenthood and sponsored by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), SB 107 would prevent the criminalization of parents who allow their children to use puberty blockers and undergo gender reassignment surgery. The California state assembly approved the measure on Aug. 29.

“This bill is designed to make California a sanctuary state for minors who seek this surgery and this way they can run away from their parents and California will provide them a sanctuary,” Lindner told the Southern California Record. “What’s at stake is young vulnerable individuals who will lose ten, 15, and even 20 years of their lives living inside a complete lie and that's going to affect their mental health. Many of them become suicidal after they transition.”

Lindner's daughter began talking about transitioning from female to male in 9th grade after becoming depressed during the summer COVID-19 lockdowns. Some 18 months later, Lindner relocated her family from Los Angeles to Bakersfield where her daughter is now in 11th grade in a charter school.

"My daughter has been able to overcome depression and anxiety because I took her out of this incredible source of lies and delusions and something that was alienating her from her core family values," she said. "She is doing a lot better now and thinks maybe she is bisexual or just gay but the whole trans garbage conversation is gone."

Chloe Cole wasn't as lucky to escape gender reassignment surgery. Cole was once a boy who transitioned into being a woman and regrets it, according to media reports. She testified against SB 107 and gender-affirming healthcare in June.

“This is not about human rights,” Lindner said. “It's all about the massive recruitment of patients for Pharma for this medical experiment and Chloe Cole is the failed experiment.”

Cole did not respond to requests for comment but she told the Epoch Times that since she began speaking against gender transitioning, her life has been threatened and she has experienced harassment on social media.

“Chloe is the experiment that just didn't stick with the program and that's why there's so much vile hatred, horrific harassment, canceling and doxing of the detransitioners, which tells me that this whole movement has nothing to do with health, nothing to do with care, nothing to do with human rights but everything to do with making patients out of people for a lifetime," Lindner added.

As previously reported, Lindner's experience with transgenderism began after she placed her daughter in counseling with a therapist whom she was unaware was a transgender advocate.

"I had to be exceptionally careful in relocating out of Los Angeles because of Child Protective Services," she said. "I didn't want to lose my child and I am very strongly against this cult and delusion. I asked the therapist, 'Why is it that all lesbian girls are now being forced to announce they're trans?' but the therapist never engaged with my questions. She was incredibly dismissive."

However, Wiener said the legislation is needed because LGBTQ kids and their families are under attack across the country.

“Parents should never be separated from their kids or criminalized for simply allowing them to be who they are," he said in a statement online. "We need to hold firm in our support for the LGBTQ community and stand with LGBTQ youth.”


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