
How medical chronology is prepped and why outsourcing the job is best


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

How medical chronology is prepped and why outsourcing the job is best

The Business of Law
Medical malpractice

A medical chronology summarizes pertinent information in a straightforward timeline. | Record Retrieval Solutions Facebook

Medical malpractice suits or personal injuries claims known as medico-legal cases detail a medical timeline that details someone’s important medical information  including the condition, treatment, medical events impacting the existing condition and medical circumstances they could potentially face.

Non-medical lawyers may find it difficult gathering and filing information, therefore outsourcing to skilled firms could alleviate this concern.

"A record retrieval service or services that we provide for various clients are really focused on the retrieval of medical and legal documentation from various constituents throughout the entire process,” said James Reynolds, vice president of Client Services at Peak Outsourcing International. “Where we support the actual attainment of those files for different legal firms or organizations that support legal firms to ensure that all these necessary paperwork is in and filed, and we're orientated properly to help with various proceedings and what have you.”

Record Retrieval Solutions reported that medical chronology helps people not familiar with medical practices, such as judges and jury members, comprehend a person's medical conditions and background with a simple timeline that is easy to follow.

"There's also a documentation and correlation aspect of this and once all of this paperwork is received, it all has to be organized,” Reynolds said. “It all has to be in some cases redacted. In some cases, you know, search for duplicates, because the entire process needs to be also very concise so that we ensure that we are submitting the appropriate documentation, there aren't duplicates. Those types of things.”

Outsourcing the recovery and planning for a medical chronology case permits the development of communicating with medical specialists, managing information and composing a summary of the medical information to be produced quicker and better than a firm.

Subcontracting medico-legal cases helps provide medical information that helps firms to examine settlement consequences faster, saving money and time for firms, according to Record Retrieval Solutions.

Peak Outsourcing, founded in 2011 and headquartered in  the Philippines, provides exceptional customer experiences for global,  small and medium enterprise (SME) customers by delivering custom  outsourcing services that create value through cost savings and brand  loyalty by employing passionate and emotionally intelligent agents. For  more information, visit https://www.peakoutsourcing.com/


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