Recent News About Ucla Law
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The California Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered a lower court to rule on the merits of a lawsuit filed against the University of California for discriminating against undocumented students enrolled at the university.
The Center for Immigration Law and Policy (CILP) at the UCLA School of Law is thrilled to welcome Sandra Hernandez as the new Director of Strategic Communications. Sandra has spent more than two decades in media, most recently as vice president of communications and media at MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund).
UCLA School of Law professor Scott Cummings has been awarded the Fred C. Zacharias Memorial Prize for Scholarship in Professional Responsibility, the top annual honor in legal ethics that the Association of American Law Schools presents.
UCLA School of Law distinguished professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, one of the nation’s most renowned scholars and thought leaders in civil rights law and policy, has received the W.E.B. Du Bois Medal from the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.
When the winners of the 45th News and Documentary Emmy Awards were announced on September 26, the filmmakers behind one triumphant production were quick to credit a number of UCLA School of Law students and faculty members who helped make it all happen.
Bolstering UCLA School of Law’s efforts to improve the lives of Native people throughout California and the country, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians has awarded a $2.2 million grant to further support the ongoing work of the law school’s Tribal Legal Development Clinic.